The Cure of Souls: the Sacraments

The Church of Christ is the school where we learn to care for each other, to show compassion, and to exercise mercy. Understanding this, St. Mark's seeks to care for the souls of her members and the members of her community. Rites of passage for all ages are honored at St. Mark's with the intent of caring for the entire well-being of every person. This is done primarily through the Sacraments of the Church.

Holy Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism is offered on a regular basis for infants, children, and adults. Baptismal days include the Baptist of Christ, the Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost Day, and All Saints. For adults seeking baptism, participation in the Catechumenate is the norm with the baptism occurring at the Easter or Pentecost Vigils.

Holy Communion

For those who have been baptized, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated throughout the week at St. Mark's. Partaking of our Lord's Body and Blood every Sunday, as well as on major feast days, is encouraged. We also encourage our parishioners to attend a weekday mass.

The Reconciliation of Penitents - Confession

The Sacrament of Confession, also known as the Reconciliation of a Penitent, is offered regularly throughout the year on Saturdays after the 12:00 noon mass, and appointments may also be scheduled with the clergy.

Confirmation and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows

The Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as the Renewal of Baptismal Vows, is offered every year for those wishing to strengthen their commitment to God and the Church. Every year the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese makes several opportunities available for the faithful to be confirmed.

Holy Matrimony

The Sacrament of Marriage is available to heterosexual and gay couples who are members of St. Mark’s. At this time we are not performing non-member weddings. All couples participate in pre-marital counseling with the clergy, and it is recommended that a full year be given to this prayerful process. For those that are not baptized, there is the option of being baptized at St. Mark's and being received into the Anglican Communion. It is the norm at St. Mark's that marriage services include the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Couples should speak with the rector directly if they wish to be married at St. Mark's. Email the office to view our wedding guidelines and expectations.


St. Mark's has a Discernment Committee for those seeking Ordination, or better understood, for those seeking to clarify their ministry in the church. For those who have gone through the process, they have found it prayerful, exemplifying the work of the Holy Spirit.

Unction and Last Rites

St. Mark's regularly offers the Laying on of Hands for Healing and Anointing. Last Rites are also offered before death. Email the office to view our burial liturgy guidelines and expectations. St. Mark’s is not currently performing non-member burials.

