What's Happening at St. Mark's?
Sundays at 11:00 am
The Sunday 11:00 am High Mass is the highlight of each week at St. Mark’s when we worship God in the beauty of holiness.
Scripture, Liturgy, and Theology
Join us on Wednesday evenings as we gather to study and reflect upon Scripture, Liturgy, and Theology.
Wednesdays at 6:00 pm
Join us for this beautiful service of psalmody, chant, incense, scripture, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
February 2
On the fortieth day after Christmas we celebrate the Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple, when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem.
Lord, Open Our Lips
In addition to the celebration of the mass, Christians since the earliest days have punctuated their days with prayer and Scripture.
Jesu Mercy, Mary Pray
Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon them. Learn more about the monthly Requiem Mass and the Guild of All Souls.
Hail, Mary, full of grace
Learn more about Marian devotion, the Holy Rosary, and our parish Guild of the Annunciation.
Verbum caro factum est
Learn about our Latin language ministry, as well as our upcoming Latin Chant and Vigil Masses.
Parents and Children
Learn more about catechesis for children and their families including the Children’s Liturgy and the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.
March 5
Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love.
News from the Rector
Rector's Journal