Parish Leadership
The Rev'd Father Paul Lillie, SCP, Rector
Mr. Michael Dupre, Choirmaster
Ms. Katherine Crosier, Organist
The Vestry
The Vestry is the governing body of the parish. The rector serves as the President, the Senior Warden is appointed by the Rector for a one-year term, and the Junior Warden is elected by the congregation for a one-year term. Of the remaining nine members, three are elected each year to serve a three-year term. The Vestry guides the parish’s mission and provides oversight in regard to finances and property.
The Rev’d FATHER Paul Lillie - Rector
The Rev’d Father Paul Lillie has been rector of St. Mark's since January 2009. Prior to this, he was a Canon at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral, Buffalo, New York. Before Buffalo, he was a Young Adult Service Corps Volunteer, and then Appointed Missionary of the Episcopal Church, serving in Jerusalem as a priest at St. George's Cathedral and St. George's College. Both institutions are part of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East.
DR. Randall Furushima - Senior Warden
Randy Furushima discovered St. Mark’s prior to the pandemic, and he, along with his wife, Jeanie, found a wonderful home in the parish following a long and distinguished career in the wider church. He continues to be a popular leader of pilgrimages to Christian holy sites throughout the Middle East, Greece, and Turkey. He loves the sacramental worship of the Episcopal Church, as well as the Anglo-Catholic spirituality of St. Mark’s. He has been asked by the Rector to lead Bible Studies for the parish, and these studies have been immensely popular.
MR. Jesse Wilson - Junior Warden
Jesse was baptized at the Easter Vigil in 2018. On Sundays he is often serving as an usher or as a hospitality minister, welcoming people to high mass, and he has a passion for outreach and Bible Study. He states, “The community at St. Mark’s welcomed me, brought me in, and walked me through an important time in my faith. Getting baptized on Easter Eve was one of the most joyful nights of my life and has so far been the best decision I have ever made.”
MS. Jeanne DeCosta - Assistant Treasurer
Jeanne is the Assistant Treasurer, and she assists the Rector by creating the Sunday worship leaflets. This work combines her love of the liturgy and Anglican choral music. Jeanne also sings in the St. Mark’s Choir, and she serves as the choir librarian. She has been coming to St. Mark’s since 2008 during a time of great transition in her life. Her faith is enriched by the music we sing, the reading of the Office, and by the opportunities to gather as a family in our sacred space.
BROTHER Michael Ida, ObJN, PhD - Treasurer
Brother Michael is an Oblate of the Order of Julian of Norwich. He is also the Treasurer, and this work includes directing the annual Stewardship Campaign. As the Acolyte Master, he schedules the volunteers for all of the liturgies, and on Sundays alone this involves over 30 people. He states, “I love the people, the community, the liturgy, the music, the history, and everything about St. Mark’s. St. Mark’s is where I learn about God and his infinite love and forgiveness.” When he is not volunteering for St. Mark’s, Michael teaches Calculus and Computer Science at Kalani High School.
DR. Nanette Judd
Nanette has served on the Vestry for many years, and she currently serves as a lector. She has been a member of St. Mark’s for her entire life, and a few years ago she joined the parish for a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. That journey gave her a new passion for Bible Study. Nanette is a retired nurse, and she was instrumental in recruiting many native Hawaiians for the medical professions in Hawai’i. St. Mark’s has always been a part of her life, guiding her values.
DR. Kaye Kawahara
On Sundays Kaye regular serves as a lector and usher at the masses. Now an oncology doctor, Kaye’s journey into the Episcopal Church began at ‘Iolani School. He has been attending St. Mark’s for about eight years, and he enjoys cooking for the homeless ministries, mainly Family Promise. He finds St. Mark’s to be a wonderfully welcoming place. He states, “I feel like I’m part of a large and loving family that cares about each other and for the community as well. St. Mark’s is a doing church - not just an observing church.”
MS. Sandra Leialoha
Sandy is a Eucharistic Visitor and she is an active member of the worship Guilds, whether it be flowers, liturgy, or candles. She has been a member of St. Mark’s for over 45 years, and she coordinates the High Mass Aloha Hours, welcoming newcomers and visitors. She is passionate about our Anglican identity and stewardship, and she particularly loves the Daily Office, especially Sunday Vespers and Benediction. She also ministers to our homebound parishioners by running the Sunday High Mass livestream ministry.
MRS. Michel Ai reavis
Michel loves the spirituality of serving at the altar, and every week you can see her acolyting at High Mass, as well as at Vespers and Benediction, where she coordinates the servers. She is a Sunday School teacher, and she also assists with the High Mass Aloha Hour. St. Mark’s is her family church, and she has been a member her entire life. Her grandfather was the contractor for the current church buildings, and she is grateful that St. Mark’s is a place where traditions are honored and celebrated. Currently she devotes much time caring for her mother, Barbara, who ran the Altar Guild for many years.
MS. Linnea Tokushige - Secretary
Linnea has been a member of St. Mark’s her entire life, having grown up at the church attending with her father regularly. She is currently a pharmacist, and she enjoys being an acolyte and lector for the various services. She also coordinates the ushers and greeters, and sometimes she runs the livestream ministry for worship. She states, “I am passionate about St. Mark’s because it has given my family and me a spiritual home for many years. St. Mark’s is a welcoming, dedicated community that fosters active engagement through God within our church and the surrounding neighborhood.”