Christmas Gifts for Responsive Caregivers

Spreading Christmas Joy

St. Mark's is once again spreading Christmas joy with Responsive Caregivers of Hawai'i, providing over 100 gifts for their Christmas party on December 18. The sign-up sheet for gifts is available in the Parish Hall. Gifts should be wrapped and labeled and returned to the church by Sunday, December 1, Advent Sunday. Please join us in the St. Mark’s holiday tradition supporting Responsive Caregivers.

Who are the Responsive Caregivers of Hawaii?

Responsive Caregivers of Hawaii is committed to creating positive choices in the lives of adults with developmental disabilities and special needs. They have been serving people with functional limitations in the community for 30 years, providing comprehensive care and services to their participants. They also educate families about how their programs and services will improve their loved one physically and mentally, offering them consultations on how to take care of their child or family member with disabilities. Everyday Responsive Caregivers directly effects the lives of people with disabilities by expanding their opportunities through well-developed day activities, early intervention and training programs, personalized case management, and workshops and training for family members of individuals with disabilities.  (Adapted from their website)


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