The Rector's Forum

The Gospel of Saint Mark

August 4, 11, 18, 25

Parish Mass 11:00 am
Rector’s Forum 12:30 noon - 1:15 pm

Join us this August after the Sunday 11:00 am High Masses for this series on the Gospel of Saint Mark. These forums begin at approximately 12:30 noon in the Parish Hall, and they will be taught by our Senior Warden, Dr. Randy Furushima of the Emmaus Center for Biblical Teaching.

Last summer Dr. Furushima led a similar scripture study on the Gospel of Matthew. Back by popular demand, this series will focus on the Gospel of Mark. We are currently hearing Year B of the Eucharistic Lectionary, also known as the Year of Mark, at the Sunday masses. Come and be informed about the Gospel texts we hear in worship.


Past Study: Bearing Witness - A Journey with Holy Land Christians

June 2024

During June 2024 our focus was the ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East. What does it mean to bear hope in such difficult times in the Holy Land, and how can we support our church’s presence in the Holy Land? View the online curriculum from the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem.

Past Study: Anglo-Catholic Distinctions

Lent and Easter 2024

During Lent and Easter of 2024 our focus turned to our Anglo-Catholic spirituality and the theology that supports our worship. Areas of study included the incarnation and resurrection calendar cycles, Marian devotion, the liturgies of Holy Week, feasts and their respective octaves, and upcoming summer feast days.

Past Study: The Advent of Christ

Advent 2023

During Advent of 2023 our focus was on the various Advents of Christ: the first coming at Bethlehem, the second coming at the Last Judgment, and the coming of Christ in the Eucharist. We also studied the Advent and Christmas Eucharistic lections, we learned about Advent Lessons and Carols Services, and we spent time understanding the roles of John the Baptist and the Blessed Virgin Mary for the season.

Past Study: What is the Parish?

October 2023

For the five Sundays of October we gathered to reflect upon the role of the parish in our lives at St. Mark’s and as Christians. The inspiration for this study hailed from an online lecture series given by the Rev’d Canon Alison Milbank entitled “The Once and Future Parish” at the Edward King Centre of St. Stephen’s House, Oxford. Father Lillie adapted the study to the role of the parish within the Episcopal Church, and especially to our context of the Hawaiian Islands.

What is the history of the parish, and why do Christians worship in community? What is the threefold ministry of bishops, priests, and deacons in the parish, and why is lay ministry and leadership absolutely essential for vibrant parishes? What are the challenges, and what are the joys of the parish structure? How are parishes to serve their communities and their neighborhoods? In our modern context, is there even a future for the parish, and what might it look like? This study wrestled with these and other questions, using scripture as a guide.

Past Study: The Gospel of Saint Matthew - Part 2

July 2023

For the five Sundays of July we gathered for a further study of Saint Matthew’s Gospel. This study built upon the Bible Study conducted during Epiphanytide 2023. Dr. Randall Furushima from the Emmaus Center for Biblical Teaching was the teacher.

Past Study: The Jewish Roots of the Eucharist and the Holy Week Liturgies

LENT 2023

For the Sundays in Lent we gathered after the Solemn Mass at 12:00 noon for a study of the Jewish roots of the Eucharist and the Holy Week Liturgies. We used Brant Pitre’s book partially as our guide. Topics included the New Exodus and the New Passover, the Manna of the Messiah, Jesus as the Bread of Presence, and the Fourth Cup of Calvary.

Past Study: The Gospel of Saint Matthew - Part 1

Epiphanytide 2023

During these Sundays after the Epiphany, we gathered for four Wednesday nights, focusing on the Gospel according to St. Matthew. As we were currently in the Year of Matthew, hearing this Gospel at the Sunday masses, parishioner Dr. Randy Furushima, in partnership with the Rector, lead us through a study of this text.

Past Study: Advent with Mary

December 2022

During Advent of 2022 our focus turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Why is Mary so important for the Christian faith? What does it mean that Mary is the Mother of God? Why is she the Queen of Saints? Other themes of Mary as the New Ark of the Covenant and the Queen Mother were explored.

Past Study: The Autumn Triduum

Autumn 2022

During October and November of 2022 our focus was All Hallows, All Saints, and All Souls. Father Lillie was the teacher, and topics included the communion of saints, praying for the dead, requiem masses, the afterlife, and the resurrection of the dead.


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