Catechesis Evenings

Next session is October 2

Holy Hour 5:00 pm
Mass 6:00 pm
Program 7:00 pm

Join us as we begin a new series on Wednesday evenings designed to help us better understand Scripture, Liturgy, and Theology.

We begin with the Bible. We may have our favorite psalms or scripture passages, but far fewer of us have probably experienced the entire sweep of salvation history from Genesis to Revelation seen in its entirety.  It's not nearly as daunting a task as you might think.

Join us for our catechesis evenings as we journey through the Bible from start to finish, using The Path as our guide. Whether we are new to the faith or lifelong Christians, we each have lots to learn, we each have much to share, and we each have a unique story about our journey of faith along our own particular path.

These evenings will end with Compline, and Dr. Michael Ida, ObJN, is our lead teacher.


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