From the Rector: A Full Epiphany-tide

The Chapel of the Order of Julian of Norwich

22 January 2025

I want to begin by thanking everyone for our joyful annual meeting last Sunday. Everyone was in good spirits, and the meeting ran smoothly. Thank you to the vestry for providing the lunch, and gratitude is due to Dr. Michael Ida for his financial presentation. It was also good to see the Parish Hall filled with our parishioners for the meeting.

This coming Sunday is Religious Life Sunday, when the Episcopal Church honors our monastic communities, and our homilist will be Brother Michael Ida. On Sunday a parishioner asked me how we could give thanks for Brother Michael's ministry as an Oblate of the Order of Julian of Norwich. Others have taken note that in early February I will have been ordained twenty years to the priesthood. A few of you somehow know that I turn 50 in March!

Brother Michael and I would prefer not to receive personal gifts, but we would welcome donations to two charities. In honor of Brother Michael's ministry, donations may be made to the Order of Julian of Norwich. I have chosen St. Andrew's Schools (The Priory) for donations, where I serve as a trustee of the board. Checks may be written to St. Mark's Episcopal Church, indicating your intentions on the check memo line, and St. Mark's will disburse the funds to each of these charities of the Episcopal Church.

As we look to the coming weeks in the church, Lent arrives late this year, as Ash Wednesday is not until March 5, and there will be eight Sundays after the Epiphany (nine being the most possible). This Sunday after High Mass the Guild of the Annunciation is hosting the next Marian Talk at 12:30 noon in the Parish Hall. Our Senior Warden, Dr. Randy Furushima is the presenter, and the topic is Mary as the Mother of the Messiah. These talks have been well-attended, spiritually rich, and intellectually engaging. Please join us.

Father Paul Lillie +