From the Rector: Generosity

As Christians we are called to be generous. The world may persuade us to build up of our own self-interests or status, but this is not the vocation to which Christ calls us. Rather we give of ourselves because it is good for our hearts and minds to do so. We cannot be a people of Christ’s health and wholeness if we do not open up our time, talent, and treasure to God and to others.

We must constantly remind ourselves that we do not own anything we have. Everything – our bodies, our hearts, our minds, our possessions – they are all loaned to us from God. We are simply stewards of everything we have, and we have been entrusted with God’s possessions to be generous. Simply put, God expects us to share what God has generously given us.

Everyone knows how it feels good to give; it is a gift to share one’s resources. If it does not feel good to do so, than we probably are not giving away enough, and we need more practice in the art of generosity. This is an endeavor each of us must learn to do, even when the world constantly teaches us to grasp for more and more. Ultimately God’s goal for humanity is the life of Jesus Christ – such a life did not grasp selfishly, but rather gave generously.

We have begun our fall stewardship campaign at St. Mark's. Pledge cards were mailed to the parish yesterday, and the cards may be returned to the church on any Sunday during the coming weeks. Please take some time to pray about how St. Mark's makes a difference in your life, and more importantly, how being generous with your resources is good for your heart.

Father Paul Lillie
