From the Rector: The Nativity of John and Midsummer News

19 June 2024

This Sunday we celebrate the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist, always six months before Christmas. Whereas Christmas falls near the shortest days of the year, the Nativity of John falls during midsummer festivals and the longest days of the year. It is hard to imagine, during the hot days of summer in Hawai‘i, as well as due to the recent trauma of Lahaina, that in many cultures throughout the world there are bonfires on St. John's Eve and Day, and these bonfires accompany feasting, games, and other fun activities. From Saint John's Day to Christmas, the days grow shorter, and we are reminded that John will decrease so that Jesus may increase.

We will not have a bonfire at the church this Sunday, but we will observe this feast on Sunday and Monday at the masses, and at the High Mass Aloha Hour there will be a reception in honor of the choir's ministry. The choir works very hard throughout the year. They practice every Thursday night for over two hours, and they sing every Sunday and for most high holy days. Members must also practice their music on their own time. We are grateful for their dedication to the liturgies, and after this Sunday they will take a short summer break, before commencing their work at the end of July for another year. We must also express our thanks to Mike Dupre, our choirmaster, and Kathy Crosier, our organist. Both put in exceptional hours planning and practicing their craft. While the choir is taking a break, you will see many of them worshipping in the pews on Sundays, while the music at the masses is led by a cantor.

As we move into summer, I commend the following to your attention.

Finally, as you receive this email, the preschool will be having their "graduation" for the pre-K class on Friday. They have been learning songs to sing in the church for their families. The preschool only closes for one week a year, and that is at the end of July. The new year begins when the Department of Education begins their school year. We wish all the children success as they move into the next chapter of their education.

Father Paul Lillie +