From the Rector: Passion-tide

12 March 2024

This coming Sunday is already the Fifth Sunday in Lent, and in another week Palm Sunday arrives and Holy Week begins. If last Sunday offered us some refreshment and repose, being Laetare Sunday, rejoicing in Jerusalem's renewal and a foretaste of Easter glory, the Fifth Sunday in Lent marks the beginning of Passion-tide, when the statues, images, and crosses in the church are veiled. These signs of the resurrection are covered, because it is now that Jesus consistently vanishes from our sight. His presence is veiled, again and again, for his time has not yet come to do his great work. The first unveiling will be at the Good Friday Solemn Liturgy, prior to the Adoration of the Cross, when the ministers slowly reveal the cross as it is brought into the church, but the full glory of Jesus will not be witnessed until the Great Vigil of Easter.

Passion-tide is indicative of the life of faith. So often God seems hidden from us, especially during difficult times. There are times when we earnestly desire clarity from God, and yet God remains veiled from our sight. Eventually when God deems the time is right, we see things more clearly, and we begin to understand a portion of God's wisdom. We have been confused, and God has been hidden from us, but then Easter vision stuns us, and we realize that God has been gently leading us along the entire time. Welcome to Passion-tide.

Holy Week begins on March 24 with Palm Sunday, and the church has a robust schedule of worship leading us to Easter Day. In addition to the Solemn Liturgies of the major days, Sung Offices are being offered on both Palm Sunday and Easter Day, as well as throughout the Triduum - the Three Days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. On Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, and Holy Wednesday, there is the opportunity to hear one of the Passions after the mass each day, and on Maundy Thursday there is the Watch at the Altar Repose. At the Easter Vigil we will have a baptism, and people are already talking about what food they are bringing to the Easter Vigil party. Mike Dupre and the Choir have been especially organized this year as they prepare for Holy Week, and the acolytes and ministers of the altar are trying to catch up with their level of preparation!

Holy Week is the best week of the year. The Week of Weeks is a rare gift, allowing us to have a week-long retreat, putting everything else aside, while enjoying how God has come to save us. It is a time to enter into the dramatic action of God, celebrating God's unconditional love for us. I know that people often have life commitments which keep them from observing a fulsome Holy Week, yet the irony is that we only have a true and rich life, because of the events of Holy Week. Whatever your situation may be, I encourage you to participate fully in the saving acts of our faith.

Father Paul Lillie +