From the Rector: Project after Project after Project

11 September 2024

Even though summer is almost officially over, the summer projects continue to keep us busy. This past Saturday the Parish Hall lanai was power washed, and the gates by the Lady Chapel garden were painted. This past Tuesday the choir steps were painted due to wear and tear, and soon the second half of the rectory fence will be stained. With the new yard crew, many sprinklers continue to be fixed and properly maintained, and the lawns are being regularly seeded. Electrical work has begun in the preschool, for in the coming weeks air-conditioning will be added to all five classrooms. 

Over the past two weeks, one of the rectory patios had to be redone due to root damage from the old monkey pod tree on the playground. The root that was removed underneath the patio was the size of a nasty serpent. Many of you have already benefited from the second monitor installed in the Parish Hall, and this enhancement has greatly improved our teaching capabilities. Both the second television and the fixing of the patio were done by a parish volunteer. The patio was an especially time-consuming job.

Some of you might remember when a homeless woman poured red wine all over the High Altar before a Sunday Low Mass. A replacement fair linen for the altar has been obtained, and we have also ordered a new white low mass set. Thankfully the Laudian frontal escaped damage, and for this we are grateful. The joke around the church is that the episode gave so many of us heart palpitations, that we were reminded to order an AED for the parish. AED stands for Automated External Defibrillator. The Vestry had discussions about the usefulness of AEDs, and now we have one.

The care of the property, as well as the safety of the people who come to us, is an important ministry. The steps to the choir loft must be safe for people, trip hazards must be removed due to roots, and we must take precautions to care for the lives that visit the church. Property enhancements support our ministries. For instance, the parish hall has become a terrific place for teaching the faith and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

Meanwhile, other ministries continue apace. Last Sunday was remarkable for multiple reasons. It is rare that the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on a Sunday, and it was the perfect opportunity to have our first Marian Talk sponsored by our Guild of the Annunciation. We had an excellent turnout for the forum, and I was pleasantly surprised by the interest and questions garnered by the topic. It was also a treat to have refreshments after Vespers and Benediction. The group that gathered certainly fostered lively discussion, and their questions kept me on my toes!

This Saturday we celebrate Holy Cross Day with a Baptism, and on Sunday we celebrate the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After High Mass our new series on the Canon of the Mass begins, and next Wednesday the Catechesis Evenings commence. Each week at St. Mark's brings new blessings.

Father Paul Lillie +