From the Rector: Rebooting our Children's Ministry

22 August 2023

Dear Friends,

This past Sunday we had a soft opening of our children's ministry. For the past year, the Vestry, the Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry, and various other parishioners have been brainstorming how St. Mark's might have a more intentional ministry to children. Undergirding these conversations has been the hope that we could offer a program that does not simply entertain children when they come to us, but that teaches the faith using an Episcopal curriculum.

Years ago St. Mark’s invested in the Godly Play curriculum, and we are fortunate to have many materials from this program available to us. We have also subscribed to a curriculum called Weaving God's Promises. Both of these curricula are lectionary-based, and both are steeped in the Episcopal Church. Furthermore, both curricula foster another goal of St. Mark's - to help parents teach the faith to their children in the home.

Last Sunday after High Mass I offered for the children present a brief liturgy, as I often do for our preschool children, in the Lady Chapel. Our subject was the Bread from Heaven, and after hearing the story of Moses and the Manna, we explored the tabernacles in the church. We also sang songs and prayed together. We will continue to offer a brief children's liturgy after high mass for the children among us. Once this liturgy is completed, children are invited to do various activities in the Sunday School Room while parents enjoy fellowship at the Aloha Hour. A subcommittee of our Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry has created a rota of teachers for this ministry.

Children's ministries in many churches have ended due to the numerous non-church activities offered on Sunday mornings for children, especially sports. It is increasingly rare to find traditional Sunday Schools in churches of all denominations. This may not necessarily be a bad thing, because many of the Sunday Schools of the past did not actually empower children to learn the faith. Instead they offered cute and fun activities that were mere entertainment for the children and their parents.

As we reboot our children's ministry at St. Mark's, our goal is to offer children a substantial faith, while empowering parents to teach the faith to their children. Hopefully as this ministry develops, we will have the confidence to invite more families with children to St. Mark's.

Father Paul Lillie +

N.B. Please note that the nursery is not currently in use by our families on Sunday mornings, as parents are choosing to have their children attend the High Mass. St. Mark's will reinstitute childcare in the future if this ministry is requested by families.