From the Rector: 2023 Stewardship Invitation

October 2022

Dear Friends of St. Mark's,

As our world evolves from the COVID pandemic, we are witnessing a number of changes within the greater church. Churches are smaller, but also more dedicated. For those who have remained, they have discovered the value of being active in their faith communities. While some have not returned to their churches, others have increased their commitment to God and their families of faith. This has been true at St. Mark’s, as many of you tell me how much you value and love St. Mark’s.

In an age when everyone desires to do everything as an individual, and during this time when most organized institutions are crumbling, St. Mark’s stands on firm ground - the foundation of Jesus Christ. We may be a bit smaller, but we are also stronger, and this is because our parishioners are so supportive with their time and money.

Our stewardship theme this year is “freely you have received, freely give.” This is a radical concept in our society where everything is given at a cost, and everything is received with certain expectations. Not many transactions in our world are given or received freely. But the church operates according to the life of Jesus Christ, and with Jesus Christ, life is given to us freely, and that inspires us to give to others freely. Unlike our workplaces, or even our extended families, the church embodies a family in which we give to others expecting nothing in return.

Please pray about your commitment to St. Mark’s for 2023, but also think about your need to freely give to others in the Name of Jesus Christ. Ultimately stewardship is not about balancing church budgets or increasing church staffs and ministries. It is about each of us, mortal humans who need God, learning how to give away that which is already God’s. St. Mark’s only succeeds when as a family we teach each other to freely receive Christ, and then to freely give away what we have received.

If you are able, please turn in your pledge card by the end of October. You may also make your pledge online through the church website below. I wish you every blessing as you do the work of freely receiving and freely giving.

Father Paul Lillie +
Rector of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Honolulu


Stewardship Talk - Jesse Wilson

In this first video, vestry member Jesse Wilson shares how he integrates his profession as a financial planner with his family’s practice of stewardship. Jesse also serves on the Evangelism and Discipleship Ministry Team.


Stewardship Talk - Michael Ida

In this second video, our treasurer, Dr. Michael Ida, ObJN, shares his reflections on stewardship and how God often blesses us in unexpected ways. Michael also serves as the Acolyte Master.