From the Rector: The Three Days

Dear Friends,

Triduum is Latin for the Three Days - Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. It is the Triduum that is the ultimate focus of Holy Week. Some have described the Triduum as a three act play, movie, or opera. The three days are one continuous work or liturgy, and just like any other trilogy, to understand the death and resurrection of Jesus, one must take part in each of these days.

These three days are also highly interactive for the congregation. On Maundy Thursday everyone is invited to wash feet. At St. Mark's this ceremony begins with the Celebrant, and then everyone is invited to have their feet washed and to wash the feet of others. That being said, the washing of feet is optional. It is perfectly fine to remain in one's pew and meditate on the action taking place. Likewise, on Good Friday everyone is invited to come forward and venerate the cross. Some cultures and people do this quite dramatically, and others do it in a more subdued manner. The one interactive liturgical moment that I believe we are all called to do outwardly however is the renewal of baptismal vows at the Easter Vigil. At this point all the baptized come forward with excitement to the font to renew their baptismal promises.

Last Sunday was the Sunday of the Passion, or Palm Sunday, and we made a good beginning to Holy Week. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Holy Week have been well received, and even Morning Prayer has had an uptick in attendance. Yet beginning on Maundy Thursday we arrive at the real drama of Holy Week. This is the work that Jesus' life revolved around - his death and resurrection. I hope you will join us for all three acts of this mighty drama about the life of God and God's love for us.

Father Paul Lillie