From the Rector: The St. Mark's Culture

25 September 2024

Our stewardship theme for 2025 is Inspired by Love - United in Purpose. This past summer at their retreat day the Vestry asked, “Why is St. Mark’s such a special place? Why do we support St. Mark’s?” They agreed that in our divided society, St. Mark’s is a unique place, inspired by love and united in purpose. Our worship of the Triune God unites us, and God’s love inspires us. Even though we come from diverse backgrounds, our devotion to Jesus Christ unites us to seek love in our relationships. We have a distinct St. Mark's culture of compassion and relationship-building, and this is important to safeguard in today's divided society.

For the next year, we will explore what it means to be inspired by the love of Jesus Christ and united in purpose as the Church. We desire to name why we are thankful for St. Mark’s and her people. We desire to name why our parish is unique in a divided and troubled world. We desire to name why we support our parish family with our resources of money and time.

Later this fall the pledge campaign will roll out. The Vestry knows that each person’s stewardship journey is different. As a parish we emulate proportional giving, honoring the biblical tithe, while sharing freely what God has given us. We know that if we are to grow in generosity and maturity, we must go deeper and ask, “How does the love of Jesus Christ inspire my faith? How does the love of God help me grow in the way of Jesus Christ?”

People often tell me how the best part of their week is when they are at St. Mark’s. More than their work and their play, people love coming to worship, and people love being with their fellow congregants. People never want to miss a Sunday or feast day, because the Eucharist is what gives them life, and it is through worship that they learn to love God and each other. Without St. Mark’s, many have said their quality of life would be greatly diminished. One person even said that without St. Mark’s, there is no reason to remain in Hawaii. St. Mark’s is that important to them.

These comments have been amazing and humbling to hear, for they show God’s work among us. This is why I commend our new stewardship theme. It reminds us that God is the primary actor of love, and we are simply inspired by what God is already doing. God’s love is inspiring us and uniting us in purpose to be the people we are called to be.

Father Paul Lillie +